Animal ID (aka. Animal Identification, Animal Validation) allows fairs to collect animal information regarding the animals that their exhibitors may bring to the fair far in advance of opening the program for entry registration. Exhibitors may add as many animals as they anticipate will be eligible to register for the fair.
For fairs that use 4-H Online for their Animal ID process for 4-H members, the Animal ID option in FairEntry can allow non 4-H members (FFA, for example) to identify their animals with the same sort of process that 4-H members use in 4-H Online.
As the entry registration process begins, Fair Managers can choose whether exhibitors can only select from previously identified animals, or can also add new animals at entry time. Additionally, Fair Managers can view/search the identified animals, as well as download an Excel file of the identified animals. PLEASE NOTE: The Standard Animals report "Animals by Animal Type" will not download correctly for you unless your animal types are linked to their divisions.
See the video and help sheets attached below for more details. Note: the helpsheet for exhibitors can be edited to provide information specific to your fair, and provided to families for their use in the process.
IMPORTANT: The dates for Animal ID and Entry Registration cannot coincide or overlap. The Animal ID dates must end before the fair begins taking entries. During the entry process, exhibitors can still add additional animal information to their entries, using either the animals previously identified or new ones, depending on the entry settings selected by the Fair Manager.