Each division in FairEntry must be assigned exactly one division type, for all classes contained within that division. There are 5 division types available, and in the hierarchy upload, they must be spelled and capitalized exactly as shown below:
- Market Animal
- Breeding Animal
- Other Animal
- Static
- Event
From their titles, it's apparent where they're designed to be used, but what do they really DO within the program?
Animal division types (Market Animal, Breeding Animal, Other Animal) require animal information to be associated with all entries into that division. These would be used for all divisions where the animal information is a part of the entry.
Static and Event division types do not ALLOW animal information to be added to an entry. These would be used for entries that are not dependent upon a specific animal being shown (for example, livestock showmanship classes typically do not need specific animal information, only the exhibitor, so they would be Event divisions). We generally define Static as "something that is brought to the fair" and Event as "something that happens at the fair", although there is little difference between the two.
Beyond the entry process, what are the division types used for?
- Standard Entry Cards differ by division type. If you create your own custom entry cards, this is not as important.
- Many standard (and custom) reports can be filtered by division type. For example, if you need to run a report to include only your static (exhibit building) entries, you can filter using the Static division type.