In your first year with FairEntry, you only have one year's fair, and it's designated at setup as your "Primary Fair". The Primary Fair is the one that will show up on your fair's home page, so you need to change that designation each year to make sure that the current year's fair is open for your exhibitors and families.
On the Organization page (accessible to Organization Admins only), you will see the Primary Fair noted in green below the name of the fair. To change it, click on the blue "change" link.
Then select the correct fair, and Save.
When you change the Primary Fair, that also changes your Public Results Page. So if your brand-new fair is the Primary Fair, then the results from last year's fair will no longer appear on the Public Results page. You may wish to wait to change the Primary Fair until shortly before your fair entry process (or animal ID process) begins.
Your fair staff will always be more successful logging in from using the Staff Login link, instead of your fair's homepage.