When you create your fair for the new year, the structure copies over, but not the exhibitors and entries. A common question we get is how to bring over those exhibitor records, but the exhibitor records are created when the exhibitor makes their entry into the current fair.
4-H Online Integrated fairs:
When you import the members, you will see a list of those members on the exhibitor screen, as "potential" exhibitors. They're not part of the fair until there is a green check in the "Is Exhibitor" column--which happens when they submit an invoice for entries into this fair. The family will log in with their 4-H Online credentials, and begin the entry process.
If an exhibitor does not appear on the Exhibitors tab after importing members:
- Their 4-H Online enrollment record was not Active at the time of import. If it is Active now, or when it becomes Active, import again to bring that record in.
- Their 4-H Online enrollment record is Active, but shows payment due. Once the payment due is cleared from their enrollment record, import again to bring that record in.
Please remember that if an exhibitor is imported, any subsequent imports will not change the existing data in FairEntry. For example, if John Smith is imported, but then his name is changed in 4-H Online to John Smythe, that new spelling will not appear in FairEntry even after an additional import, but will need to be changed on the exhibitor record. Changes to exhibitor records do not track back to 4-H Online.
Fairs and Exhibitors that are not in 4-H Online:
- If they remember the email and password they used last year, they can use that to log in to the new fair and make entries. The account info that they entered last year is editable in case there have been changes.
- If they remember the email, but not the password, they can click on the "Forgot your Password" link below the Sign In button, and a password reset will be sent to the email address.
- As a manager, you can check last year's entries to find the email for them if they have forgotten which email address they used.
- If they used a non-valid email address, there is no way to reset the password--they'll have to start over with a new email address/account.
Manager-created entries from last year--the same options apply:
- If the email and password are known, the family can use that to log in and make entry. All account information from the previous year will be available and can be edited.
- If the email is valid (check last year's exhibitor record), you (or the exhibitor) can use the "Forgot your Password" link to have a password reset sent to that email address.
- If the email was non-valid and the password is unknown, the family will start over with a new email address/account.