If you allow/require your exhibitors to upload files with their registration, you also have the ability to use a template for information to be uploaded. There are some considerations to be weighed before making that decision.
- The template you use can be any format (Word, Excel, PDF), but if your exhibitor/family does not have the correct software to open it, it will be useless. PDF is a universal format that can be downloaded and viewed in any browser.
- The exhibitor will download your template, add any information needed (either on a computer or manually), create a digital image of the new information (scan or take a digital photo), then upload the file to their entry. There may be a need for a help document for families who may not have done all those things before, since you cannot add a Content Block for on-screen instructions as you did for Custom Files.
- If the template file upload is required (particularly at the Fair level), the entry process cannot be completed until all the steps above have happened, so you will need to consider whether all your exhibitors will have the ability to do those things.
If you have made the decision to use a template for file uploads, the steps are:
- Create a custom file upload. (See Using Custom File Uploads for more detailed information).
- Click on the Add a Template button (shown below).
- Click the green button and browse/select the file that you are going to upload as a template.