If your fair charges a fee per animal, instead of per class, we suggest you set up the fee as a Fair Level custom field, make it required, but give an "out" to those not showing that specific species.
These fees will be added onto the exhibitor's invoice. Please keep in mind that the fair level custom fields are a one-time exhibitor question. Only the first invoice/registration will include the fair level custom fields/fees - once exhibitor is approved, they will not be able to edit or add that information to a later invoice.
A manager can edit the information, but it will not change the fees on the invoice, or create an additional invoice if there are additional fees--so any additional money will have to be documented outside of FairEntry.
This is especially important to note if you have an earlier registration period for a special event, like a communications contest. The first invoice will contain the question; other invoices created later will not.
See more about Custom Entry Fields: Setting up Custom Entry Fields