There is a fair-level setting that allows for the input of a Social Security Number (SSN). There are 3 options for that field: Required, Visible (optional) and Invisible. The default within the program is Invisible. If you change that for your fair, it will become visible and/or required for every exhibitor as they create their first invoice. Note: That decision and setting must be made BEFORE entries open, and not changed during the registration process.
If you choose to collect SSN, the last four digits will display on the Exhbitor Information screen, which is visible to all staff permission levels.
The field is NOT available on custom reports.
The only place the entire SSN prints is on the 1099 form, which is located on the Finances menu, Checks tab. That report is available to Fair Admins and Org. Admins.
See Also:
Best Practices for Data Security
FairEntry Server Infrastructure & Data Security Measures