There are several entry settings that control both how animal entries are made by the exhibitor, and how they are checked in at the fair. The image below is from the Entry Settings by Hierarchy spreadsheet, linked in the Entry Settings Overview and Planning Guide article.
- Max Entries per Animal = how many times can one animal be shown (in this part of the hierarchy)? For livestock, it may be once; for horses, it may be more than once. If it is not set, there is no limit on how many times the animal can be attached to an entry.
- Max Animals per Exhibitor = how many animals can one exhibitor identify (in this part of the hierarchy)? If the exhibitors are limited to bringing 3 market beef animals, that limit would usually be set at the Market Beef division. If exhibitors are limited to bringing 2 horses to the fair (regardless of how many classes each horse is entered in - see Max Entries per Animal), that limit would usually be set at the Horse department level.
- Minimum Average Daily Gain = if you have set your beginning/ending weights and weight dates so that ADG can be calculated, setting the minimum acceptable ADG will cause a message to appear on the check-in screen if the minimum is not met. It will not prevent check-in, just show an informational message.
- Record Animal Height at Check-in = doesn't affect the entry process, but adds a required field to the check-in screen.
- Record Animal Beginning Weight at Check-in = adds field to the check-in screen. If the Beginning weight was part of the Animal Types setup, it is shown in that field. Beginning Weight and Date are required to calculate ADG.
- Record Animal Weight at Check-in = adds required weight field to the check-in screen. It must be set to Yes for animals that will be weighed in at the fair, with weights recorded, and is required for ADG calculations.
- Record Animal Paint Number and Sale Tattoo at Check-in = doesn't affect the entry process, but adds visible (not required) fields to the check-in screen. Although these fields are labeled Paint Number and Sale Tattoo, they could be used for other information, such as Pen Stall number, as long as your check-in crew knows what info to enter into those fields.
- Min and Max Animal Weight = doesn't affect the entry process, but it prevents check-in for animals whose check-in weight is below the minimum or above the maximum. If the animals are going to stay on the grounds (and possibly go to the packer), you may need to have a "class" for under/overweight animals to move them into, and retain the animal information. Contact if you have questions about how to make that work in your fair.
- Allow Animals to be Added to an Entry During Registration = when the exhibitors log in to make their entries into the animal class, will they be asked which animal they are showing in that class? It defaults to "yes". If you change it to "no", all animal information will have to be added by show managers at check-in. Please contact for more information if you are considering setting this to "no".
- Pen size = how many animals are on this entry? This is usually set at the class level, for a Pen of Three (or similar) class. At entry time, the exhibitor will be asked to identify that number of animals for the entry into the Pen class. At check-in time, all animals will be on the check-in screen to be checked in. Premiums/ribbons will still be tied to the class entry, not to the separate animals in that entry.
- Allow Non-4-H exhibitors to create animals = Exhibitors who select a club that is not designated as 4-H on an entry can create a new animal for that entry if set to Yes. If set to No, those exhibitors cannot create a new animal for the entry, but must select from animals that they pre-identified during the Animal ID time prior to fair entry.
- Allow Animal Sharing Within Families = can an exhibitor select an animal that was identified under a sibling's name, either in 4-H Online or during Animal ID in FairEntry? Siblings are determined either by the family account in 4-H Online or by the exhibitor group account (email login) in FairEntry. If multiple exhibitors exist in the same account, when this is set to "Yes", then at entry time, any one of them will be able to add any animal that was previously identified by any of the exhibitors in the family.
(Under the 4-H Settings section)
- Allow 4-H Exhibitors to create animals = Exhibitors who select a 4-H club on their entry can create a new animal for that entry if set to Yes. If set to No, those exhibitors cannot create a new animal for the entry, but must select from animals they have pre-identified either through FairEntry Animal ID or 4-H Online Animals/Livestock.