FairEntry allows for two sets of results (ribbon, placing, and/or awards) to be added to each entry, if the entry is judged twice. For example, an entry may be judged once in its class, and a second time with other class winners. In the points and premiums set up and in the results entry process, the two sets of results are named "Class Results" (the first judging result) and "Division Results" (the second judging result).
It's important to set up your points and premiums to reflect what needs to happen with the first and second set of results, and then to enter the results at the correct level.
- When you set up your points and premiums, the first set of options says "For Classes..." and that indicates the first time the entry will be judged and given results. In order to be able to assign a ribbon, placing, or award to that entry for their first judging, you have to Configure that section--even if there are no points or premiums awarded. You are building the results options--the ribbons, placings, and awards that will appear in the results menus.
- For every level of the hierarchy except the class level, there is a second set of three boxes, and these are labeled "For Divisions...". This is the setup for the SECOND time an entry is judged--the Division results. Again, even if you do not award points or premiums for those results, you have to set them up to build the results menus for the second set of judging results.
See more:
Setting up Ribbons, Placings and Awards for Results and Premiums