The Fair Details tab of the Setup Menu contains many of the basic first/basic options to use when setting up your fair. Working through the list from top to bottom:
- Fair Dates: these are the dates for the fair, when the fair gates open. If they are incorrect, you can change the month and day, but not the year. If you have typed in the year incorrectly, contact for help.
- Online Buyers: set to Yes to allow Auction Buyers to login, bid and pay online.
- Animal ID Registration: set to Yes to allow exhibitors to enter animal ID information before entries open. Animal ID and Entry Registration cannot be open at the same time. Use this only if you want the animals identified in the program BEFORE the exhibitors make their entries. See more: Animal ID
- Recover Buyer Fees: If you set Online Buyers to Yes (so they can pay online), you have the option to recover the credit card fees from the buyers (as opposed to the fees being charged to the fair). See more: Assigning Credit Card Fees to Buyers
- Automatic Result Publishing: "Allow" is the first step to publishing results on the web. This option allows the webpage to be created, but it does not populate the webpage with results until the second step, which is done for each division--on the Hierarchy Editor tab, Enable Auto Results Publishing. The View Results button takes you to your fair's results page, where you can copy the URL to provide to exhibitors, families, etc. See more: Sharing Results
- Fair Logo and Welcome Message: personalize your fair's home page with your own logo and important information for exhibitors when they make entry. Be sure to check the Welcome Message each year for outdated information or dates.
- Terms: If your fair does not use the program default terms of Department-Division-Class (maybe you use Department-Section-Lot), you can change how the terms appear in the program for your exhibitors and managers by clicking on the Edit button.
- Upload your Hierarchy: Located at the bottom of the page, it's the first and most important step in setting up your fair. It can only be done when the hierarchy is completely empty--has never had any departments added. See more: Building Your Hierarchy in Excel, Training 1 (Hierarchy)