If you would like to offer a combination of virtual and in-person fair options, a new setting "Allow Virtual Entries" has been added to the Entry Settings.
To prepare for a Hybrid Fair:
- Prior to opening fair registration, select "Yes" for the "Allow Virtual Entries" entry setting. This will turn on a question for exhibitors to select whether their entry is "In-Person" or "Virtual". This setting is available at the Department, Division and Class levels of the Hierarchy and has an "override" behavior (settings at a lower level will override the setting at the higher level). The default setting for this option is "No."
- If you are accepting virtual entries, be sure that any Custom Files are configured prior to opening entries.
- When your exhibitors register, they will be required to select if their entry is in-person or virtual for each entry in an area in which the "Allow Virtual Entries" setting is set to "Yes" (default is In-person).
Running a Hybrid Fair:
- After your exhibitors' entries have been approved, they may not switch their own entries from "In-Person" to "Virtual", but they may contact a Fair Manager or Administrator to make the change on their behalf.
- When Fair Managers/Administrators create custom shows, they will have an option to filter the show for just "In-Person" or just "Virtual" entries.
- When Fair Managers/Administrators/Class-Breaks agents break show classes, they will have an option to filter the entires for just "In-Person" or just "Virtual" entries.
- When Fair Managers/Administrators create custom reports, they will be able to filter reports for just "In-Person" or just "Virtual" entries.
- Entry Cards, Entry Tags and Entry Scorecard labels will only print for entries marked as "In-Person."
- All other processes for managing an in-person or virtual fair will remain the same as in prior years (staff accounts, online judging of photos and/or videos, results, reports, premium payouts, etc).