- The Point of Sale buyer payments option allows buyers to pay in-person using an m2 card reader that has been connected to the LumaPayments App. The LumaPayments App is currently only available for IOS (Apple) mobile devices running IOS 16.0 or greater.
- Payment options using the reader include credit card, debit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay (swipe, insert or tap).
- The processing fee for these point of sale payments is 2.7% plus $.10 per transaction (purchases and add-ons). Your fair can be configured to either charge the processing fee to the buyer, or to the fair/sale.
The document linked below includes step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing the app, and using the m2 reader at the fair. Please read all the instructions while setting up your reader, as there are processes that require "lead time"--they need to be done before the sale.
Your fair will need to have a Stripe account set up, and you will log in to that to order the reader(s). Click Here to order your m2 reader(s) after the Stripe account is set up.
Please note:
- Whoever is going to be logging in to accept the payments will need to have either Fair Manager or Sale Agent staff account permissions, with no other permission sets attached to the account. You may have to remove some permissions in order to set up Fair Manager ONLY for that person.
Org. Admins: If the person logging in is the Org. Admin, that person will need to have a staff account as shown above in addition to their OA account. Be sure to log in using the green Fair Staff login, not the blue Organization Admin login.
- There must be a Primary Contact set up (with street address) on the Org. Admin. homepage.
- You must have a Sale Order created before you can accept buyer payments.
- If you would like to accept pre-payments (before the sale), please contact support@fairentry.com to enable this feature in your account.