Before the fair, you can enter known buyers, buyer groups, and destinations. This information can also be added later (at the sale), as more information is available or new buyers are identified.
You can also import buyers from a properly formatted Excel spreadsheet in as many batches as you need. Download the spreadsheet template from the Sale menu, Buyers tab, Import Buyers button.
These are the format requirements for the spreadsheet:
- The file must be in XLSX format.
- The first worksheet in the Excel file must have 12 columns, per the template. All other worksheets in the file will be ignored.
The following columns must contain values for all buyers:
- Name
- Identifier - these must be unique values, not repeated for multiple buyers
- Phone - must be in this format: ###-###-#### (dashes separating, no parentheses)
- Address Line 1
- City
- State/Province - must be a valid, 2-character, state/province code.
- Postal Code
These fields are optional:
- Contact Name
- Address Line 2
- Buyer groups - You may leave those two columns entirely blank if you do not wish to add any Buyer Groups. However, if you provide either Buyer Group Identifier or Buyer Group Name for a Buyer, you must provide both.