Either before the sale, or after the animal has sold, you may enter the item’s Destination (where the animal is going) and Flooring information (how much the processor is going to pay for the animal).
The floor price can be set by species/division when creating a sale order, but if it is varied by sale item (some animals are floored differently than other animals in the species/division), that needs to be done one at a time for the items. That can be set ahead of time--before the sale--or during the sale.
Click Edit in the Destination & Floor section to add details about the entry’s destination and flooring (packing).
If the item is marked as Floored, you may designate whether the floor value is to be assigned to the buyer as a credit or to the seller as a donation.
If you just need to note where the animal is going - but not actually apply a floor price to buyer or seller (exhibitor) you can select a destination but leave the "floored" set to No. Some fairs note each animal destination, even using "Exhibitor Home" as a destination.
If you do want the floor price to be applied to the buyer or seller in addition to the main bid price - you can use the flooring options.
If the Buyer is selected, the amount will be reflected as a credit on the Buyer Invoice. If the Seller is selected, the amount will be reflected on the Seller’s check. If a Donation Recipient is selected, the amount will be reflected on the Donation Recipient’s check.
In the example above, the $2755 would be applied as a credit on the buyer's invoice.
If you change it to Seller, the $2755 would be added to the seller's Auction check.
Floor is Not Credited to Either Buyer or Seller
If you want the floor price to be totaled on the Packing list but not applied to either the buyer or the seller (payment managed outside of FairEntry), select the 3rd option - Donation. Set up a donation recipient, naming it something like Packer Total so that you know what it's used for. What this does is assign all the flooring prices to that "account". That puts a total on the Packing Lists, as shown below. That check will be generated when you print checks, but you can select to not print that one at that time.
See also: Recording Sale Information