Clubs can be added individually or they can be imported from a the Excel template that is available on the Setup menu, Clubs tab. You can only upload once, so any additional clubs after that upload will be added individually. The document linked below gives specific steps in creating the clubs.
For fairs that integrate with 4-H Online, you have the option to import 4-H clubs from 4-H Online once integration is approved.
- Clubs imported from 4-H Online cannot be edited or deleted, or have agents assigned to them.
- If you want to be able to edit the club info, or add Agents to the clubs, you will want to create/upload the club information instead of importing from 4-H Online.
- If you have imported the 4-H Online clubs this year, they are going to appear in the list that the exhibitors can select from, and cannot be removed. If you want to change that next year, do not copy over the Club setup into the new year, and do not import clubs from 4-H Online.
NOTE: if you want to use the Excel upload, that must be completed BEFORE the import from 4-H Online. The import can only happen once, and when no other clubs exist.
If Club/Chapter Agents will be adding entries on behalf of their exhibitors, the agents can be added to the Clubs individually or using optional fields on the import template. The instructions for adding the agents to the upload file are contained in the document linked below. You can also add them individually to the clubs after the upload.
What Can Agents Do?
The simplest explanation is that Agents can create an exhibitor group which includes multiple exhibitors on a single entry invoice. NOTE: If this is a big FFA chapter, with hundreds of entries, the agent should be creating invoices with no more than 100 entries per invoice. Very large invoices take a lot of processing time, and the system may "time out" before that process can be completed, leaving those entries in limbo.
- Agents can make entries for their members in areas of the hierarchy that have been set to Agent Entry Only. Exhibitor families cannot make entries into those parts of the hierarchy.
- Agents do not have permissions to the fair itself, in terms of viewing other entries, managing entries, etc. They are just like a family exhibitor group--they can create their entries and submit them, can log into their account to view their entries, but cannot change entries once approved.
- Agents can also view entry invoices that were submitted by other Agents for the same club. If Agent1 creates an entry invoice for ClubA, Agent2 can also see that entry invoice for ClubA.
- Agents are not limited by any specific conditions on the exhibitor--club enrollment, etc. They can add exhibitors and entries regardless of whether that exhibitor is a member of their club.
- Agents are bound to entry settings just like individual exhibitors--they cannot override entry settings like fair managers can do.
- When an Agent begins a new invoice in the second year (after adding an invoice in the first year), they will see all the exhibitors listed from their previous invoice, and can select from that list to add entries, rather than needing to enter all exhibitor info again "from scratch". They can choose not to use all exhibitors, and can add new ones as necessary in the second year.
Adding Agents:
Adding the first agent to the club is a bit different than adding any additional agents. First click on the Edit button for the club, then click on Create Exhibitor Group.
On the next screen, enter the information for the Agent, and click Send Invitation. The agent will receive an email with login instructions--which may end up in their Junk or Spam folder, so if it's not received, have them check those.
This is a good place to point out that the Primary Agent for a club cannot be deleted or changed. Once you have a Primary Agent, you're always going to have that one. You can delete additional agents added after the first one, but not the original Primary Agent.
- It might be worth taking the time to set up email accounts similar to "" for that primary account. It has to be a real email account that someone can log in to because of the password resets.
- The only way to change/remove the Primary Agent is to start over in the new year, choosing not to copy the Club setup, then creating/uploading clubs from scratch. If you do that, then the agent will start entries for the new year by adding all exhibitors to the invoice, not seeing the option to use last year's exhibitors.
To add additional Agents to a club, again click on the Edit button beside the club, but notice that now you have a new button, "Invite a new agent". You can click on that button to add additional agents in the same method as the Primary. Additional agents also have the red X beside their name, so those accounts can be removed from the club.
Can Agents Invite Other Agents? If you have Club Leader A set up as the primary Agent for this club, do you want that leader to add other Agents to this club? If you are okay with that, then on the Club list screen, there is an option to allow that to happen.
If you allow this, the original Agent will see a green "Invite a new agent" button on their dashboard when they log in.
Managers can delete any Agent except the primary, regardless of whether the Agent was added by a manager or another Agent.
**See also Club Agent Accounts Quick Video